Green Economy: Activating Technology for the Greener Good
Green Economy: Activating Technology for the Greener Good
Increasing the Availability of Eco-Compatible Technology
We can’t keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome, that’s just madness. We need to change our materials and products to more sustainable alternatives as they become available, swapping ‘the bad‘ for the ‘less bad‘ and the ‘less bad‘ for the ‘good‘. The key phrase being “as they become available” which is what this project is really all about; improving the availability of environmentally compatible technology to other businesses thereby accelerating the transition towards more sustainable practices, materials and a greener economy. Just to clear something up, in terms of access we mean technology that is either not accessible enough to businesses to be adopted on a high enough level to make an impact or exists only in a lab.
Creating Commercially Opportunities From Research
Working with scientists to understand their research, its potential and creatively adapting it into a commercially viable solution either as a standalone business or a component in one of our projects.
Expanding Access of Existing Technology
Frustratingly we often find a product or technology that will reduce our impact but isn’t accessible to us. In which case its time to roll up our sleeves, reach out to our network and see what we can do to bring the technology online.
Quickstart a Kickstart
A growing network of businesses ranging from: financial analysts, ethical investment groups, manufacturing, engineering & scientific enterprise. An ecosystem of businesses designed to fast track the time required to bring new technology and lower impact alternatives online.